Furnaces Articles

What Is AFUE?

January 16, 2020
Mom and daughter on the bed in a comfortable home.

An electric or gas- or oil-fired furnace’s efficiency is measured by its AFUE, or Average Fuel Utilization Efficiency. This standard measurement is given in percentages.

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What’s That Sound Coming From My Furnace?

January 3, 2020
Elderly man sitting on comfy sofa and researching furnace noise on laptop.

It’s normal for your furnace to make some noise. For instance, a dull hum is to be expected. However, louder noises might spell trouble for your heating unit’s components.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

December 19, 2019
Man on the couch wrapped in a blanket.

Many homes have varied conditions from room to room causing spotty heating or cooling. On cold days, this can be a nuisance.

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